For fast IT Solutions!

Whatever your IT needs, your first call should be to IT Solutions. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

+91 (0)20 8406 2285

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We are invite, IT solutions agency!

Choose The Best IT Service Company in the City.

Want to join with our connection?
Contact us for details talk.
How We work?

Why Invite?


Put your systems management in the
hands of our professionals


Put your systems management in the
hands of our professionals

One stop IT solution

We’ve grown up with the internet revolution, and we know how to deliver
on its promise of improved business efficiency. We work throughout the
London and the southeast.

We are invite, IT solutions agency!

We try to serve the best

UI/UX Design

App Design

UI/UX Design

Web Development

UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design



UI/UX Design

Create A Great Web Design for
Your company

We know that with global ambitions, there come global challenges, and
that is where we chip in to bridge the gap through our seamless
cross-border financial service. Hire us.

  • Best Service provider
  • Fully editable & easy to use
  • Designed by talented team
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App Design

Create A Great Web Design for
Your company

We know that with global ambitions, there come global challenges, and
that is where we chip in to bridge the gap through our seamless
cross-border financial service. Hire us.

  • Best Service provider
  • Fully editable & easy to use
  • Designed by talented team
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UI/UX Design

Create A Great Web Design for
Your company

We know that with global ambitions, there come global challenges, and
that is where we chip in to bridge the gap through our seamless
cross-border financial service. Hire us.

  • Best Service provider
  • Fully editable & easy to use
  • Designed by talented team
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Web Development

Create A Great Web Design for
Your company

We know that with global ambitions, there come global challenges, and
that is where we chip in to bridge the gap through our seamless
cross-border financial service. Hire us.

  • Best Service provider
  • Fully editable & easy to use
  • Designed by talented team
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UI/UX Design

Create A Great Web Design for
Your company

We know that with global ambitions, there come global challenges, and
that is where we chip in to bridge the gap through our seamless
cross-border financial service. Hire us.

  • Best Service provider
  • Fully editable & easy to use
  • Designed by talented team
Read More Read More



UI/UX Design

Create A Great Web Design for
Your company

We know that with global ambitions, there come global challenges, and
that is where we chip in to bridge the gap through our seamless
cross-border financial service. Hire us.

  • Best Service provider
  • Fully editable & easy to use
  • Designed by talented team
Read More Read More
We are Happy, for our client’s reviews.

Trusted by 1k+ Clients!

They usually show impact through before-and-after comparisons or
provide specific improvement statistics.

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Rasalina Dena

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Devid Makra

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Sarah Richard

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Rasalina Dena

CEO & Founder of Alco

Meet the stay-at-home mom whose curiosity led her to a new career as a Full-Stack Developer.

Devid Makra

CEO & Founder of Alco
We have a great achievement

Our best achievement!


Saticfied Custimer


Experience Team


Project Completed


Winning Awards
Get in touch!

It’s very easy to contact!

    Looking for Innovative IT Strategies for Business Growth?

    Flymingo Tech specializes in innovative IT solutions, enhancing business efficiency with cutting-edge technology.

    Office 3220 Konark Indrayu Mall Kondhwa Khurd.

    +91 7378658675

    Open Hours:

    Mon - Sat: 10 am - 10 pm,
    Sunday: CLOSED